Laurence Harvey credited as playing...
Joe Lampton
- Joe Lampton: I'll tell you something, Alice. I like you, I don't mean sex, I mean "like you". I like to talk to you. I just - like you.
- Joe Lampton: I hate you to put your clothes on.
- Alice Aisgill: It's very sweet of you honey, but I'm too old to walk about in my girdle.
- Joe Lampton: Alice, you're beautiful. I'd like a picture of you like that.
- Alice Aisgill: There is a picture of me in the nude - somewhere.
- Joe Lampton: You're joking.
- Alice Aisgill: No, there really is. I was in the university at that time. And I met an artist at a party. He wanted a model. I don't suppose it was even a good painting.
- Joe Lampton: Why? Why did have to do it? There are a millions of women, a lot poorer than you in the world, who'd rather die than expose themselves for a few lousy rotten shillings. Damn you to hell, I feel like, like to beat you black and blue.
- Alice Aisgill: What's it got to do with you? It was long before I met you. I must remember your beasty little provincial mind doesn't like nudity.
- Joe Lampton: You stupid bitch, it isn't that at all! Don't you see that it's the idea of other people looking at you nakedness that I hate, it's indecent, don't you see?
- Mavis: And what do you really sell?
- Joe Lampton: I told you, I specialize in ladies underwear.
- Mavis: Ha, ha, ha! Oh, you're a devil.
- Charles Soames: It's not for you lad.
- Joe Lampton: But I can look, can't I?
- Charles Soames: Not with that you can. There's a law against undressing women in street.
- Charles Soames: Look Joe, there's the Top. That's where the money is. Lots of lovely houses up there, you know Joe.
- Joe Lampton: I'll have one of those. I'm going to have the lot.
- Joe Lampton: By the way, what do you do for entertainment around here?
- Charles Soames: Well, there are flicks of course.
- Teddy Merrick: Didn't you think she was a absolutely super, Joe?
- Joe Lampton: Oh, absolutely super.
- Teddy Merrick: I thought they were all absolutely super.
- Joe Lampton: It just so happens that I like her.
- Charles Soames: You lust after her, you mean.
- Joe Lampton: No. No-no. It's not that at all. Well, it's - partly that but not just that.
- Joe Lampton: Time I filled you in on the Lampton report on love. I 've got a full proof method for grading women. Partly money, partly background, partly J. Lampton's instinct. Now take Susan Brown.
- Charles Soames: Are you offering her to me?
- Joe Lampton: No, seriously, Susan is grade one on every account.
- Joe Lampton: You know, you're the sort of girl I like to take out.
- Susan Brown: Why?
- Joe Lampton: Well, there's you're shape and you're size and the sheen in your hair, a sort of light in your eyes. Oh but, the most important, because, I think you're a dear-keeper.
- Susan Brown: A what?
- Joe Lampton: A dear-keeper.
- Susan Brown: What a lovely word! What does it mean?
- Joe Lampton: My mother used to call me that every time I used to ask her for something that cost more than she could afford.
- Susan Brown: I'd like to meet your mother, she sounds fun.
- Joe Lampton: She's dead.
- Alice Aisgill: I'd like to go to Sparrow Hill.
- Joe Lampton: It's cold up there.
- Alice Aisgill: That's what I want. Somewhere cold and clean. With no people, no dirty people.
- Susan Brown: Joe, why didn't you write?
- Joe Lampton: You didn't write either. Only postcards.
- Susan Brown: I was waiting for you to write. A girl can't write first. She can't if she has any pride.