Hayley Mills credited as playing...
- Gillie: Shalln't I ever see you again?
- Korchinsky: Maybe... someday. It doesn't matter though. Whereever I am, you're still my friend.
- Gillie: Why did you do it? You know, shoot her?
- Korchinsky: I got angry... like a madman.
- Gillie: Why?
- Korchinsky: I don't know... because I loved her so much maybe. I came back to marry her. Then she said, just like that, "I don't want you anymore."
- Gillie: Why didn't she want you anymore?
- Korchinsky: She got someone else. A gentleman.
- Gillie: Got more cash, I suppose. I know! It's that man with the car. Horrid man. Always hanging around our place. You shoulda shot him instead.
- Korchinsky: I didn't want to shoot anyone.
- Gillie: But it was his fault! And I'll tell you another thing... he's got another wife as well!
- Superintendent Graham: Gillie, look at me. Now, in this world, we sometimes have to tell little lies to help other people out. Our friends. Now, we call this being loyal. Everybody admires and loves somebody who's loyal. But sometimes it is very wrong to tell even little lies if, by doing so, we help someone bad go free. Now, that's not being loyal, Gillie. That's being very wicked. Now, you don't want to be wicked, do you? Now, this is the one moment that you must tell me the truth. The truth, Gillie.
- [Pointing to Korchinsky]
- Superintendent Graham: This is the man you saw come out of the flat, isn't it? Isn't it? Look at him, Gillie. Look at him. This is the man isn't it, Gillie? Isn't it? Isn't it?
- Gillie: No, I've never seen him before in my life.
- Gillie: [Holding his gun] Stick 'em up!
- Korchinsky: Drop that gun!
- Gillie: Don't move. I got yuh covered... It's loaded. Come any nearer and I'll shoot. I mean it. It's loaded. Put your hands up! Go on... put 'em up!