Paul Newman credited as playing...
Anthony Judson Lawrence
- [At Chet Gwynn's murder trial, Anthony Lawrence sets up a demonstration to test butler George Archibald's ability to name a type of liquor by smelling it]
- George Archibald: [Sniffing a glass] It is Royal Tartan Scotch. Unmistakable. Rich heavy bouquet with a definite aroma of peat smoke.
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: [Hands him another glass] Now, the third glass.
- George Archibald: This is water, sir. There is no smell, except perhaps for a faint touch of chlorine, which the city puts in its drinking water. I trust you weren't trying to trick me into identifying it as liquor.
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: It's water? Are you sure? I don't understand.
- George Archibald: You will note there is no label. I believe you gave me your water glass.
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: Well, I'm terribly sorry. I guess I made a mistake.
- George Archibald: Well, perhaps it's not in vain. Since my throat is a little dry, you'll pardon me.
- [He drinks the glass, coughs]
- George Archibald: It's gin! It's gin! You've tricked me!
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: That's right!
- [Takes the glass]
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: Your Honor, I submit this as Exhibit D!
- Joan Dickinson: At least you have someplace to go.
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: Haven't you?
- Joan Dickinson: Are you kidding? I have no talents. Nothing. I was very well educated to be an idiot. And I was a very good student.
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: This isn't very conducive to sensible thinking. I better go back before...
- Joan Dickinson: I don't want sensible thinking!
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: Neither do I.
- Chester A. 'Chet' Gwynn: Did you ever see a babe with two heads?
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: No. Come on, call her!
- Chester A. 'Chet' Gwynn: No.
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: Come on, Chet.
- Chester A. 'Chet' Gwynn: Tony.
- Anthony Judson Lawrence: Two heads... then we can both talk to her! And she doesn't have to bring a friend!