Barbara Knox credited as playing...
Rita Sullivan • Rita Fairclough • Rita Tanner • Rita Littlewood • Rita Bates
- Rita Littlewood: Did you ever run away from home?
- Norris Cole: No, I most certainly did not!
- Rita Littlewood: That must have been a great disappointment to your mother!
- Rita Littlewood: [about Norris's secret book] The hero of his novel has got himself caught up in a menage-a-trois!
- Emily Nugent: Oh, really!
- Rita Littlewood: Emily, you do know what a menage-a-trois is?
- Emily Nugent: I most certainly do!
- Rita Littlewood: Oh. Well, the two women involved in this...
- Emily Nugent: Love triangle?
- Rita Littlewood: Yes. Are a mild-mannered church-goer called Emilia...
- Emily Nugent: [subtly shocked] Oh.
- Rita Littlewood: ...and a racy, Titian temptress called Reeba.
- Emily Nugent: [suspicious] Oh.
- Rita Littlewood: [reading from the novel] "Norris jumped out of the moped as Emilia and Reeba alighted the side-car... "
- Emily Nugent: That's a big side-car!
- Rita Littlewood: "... and hand in hand, the three of them ran barefoot through Chester Zoo. Atop the souvenir kiosk, Reeba belts out a quick rendition of "Paper Moon", whilst Emilia chose this moment - for some solemn prayer."
- Emily Nugent: It's not really a page-turner, is it?
- Rita Littlewood: You wait till you hear what happens in the meercat enclosure!
- Emily Nugent: I like meercats... I've a tea towel with some on - Norris knows that!