Pamelyn Ferdin credited as playing...
Lucy Van Pelt
- [at the spelling bee]
- Charlie Brown: Fussbudget, F-U-S-S-B-U-D-G-E-T, Fussbudget.
- [the Peanuts gang watching the spelling bee on TV]
- Lucy Van Pelt: Hey! How'd he know that word?
- Lucy Van Pelt: [about Schroeder's Beethoven bust statue] Incidentally, who's this? George Washington?
- [first lines]
- Lucy Van Pelt: Aren't the clouds beautiful? They look like big balls of cotton. I could just lie here all day and watch them drift by. If you use your imagination, you can see lots of things in the cloud's formations. What do you think you see, Linus?
- Linus Van Pelt: Well, those clouds up there look to me look like the map of the British Honduras on the Caribbean.
- [points up]
- Linus Van Pelt: That cloud up there looks a little like the profile of Thomas Eakins, the famous painter and sculptor. And that group of clouds over there...
- [points]
- Linus Van Pelt: me the impression of the Stoning of Stephen. I can see the Apostle Paul standing there to one side.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Uh huh. That's very good. What do you see in the clouds, Charlie Brown?
- Charlie Brown: Well... I was going to say I saw a duckie and a horsie, but I changed my mind.
- Charlie Brown: Ah, there it is! The old pitcher's mound - covered with tradition and dandelions. Dandelions? This pitcher's mound is covered with dandelions!
- Frieda: Don't touch them Charlie Brown! Don't you dare hurt all those innocent dandelions! They're beautiful! Don't you dare cut them down!
- Lucy Van Pelt: Besides, you may not know this, but you look kind of cute standing there surrounded by dandelions.
- Charlie Brown: I don't want to look cute!
- Lucy Van Pelt: Wait! Hmm... Brush this guy back, Charlie Brown! Give 'im the ol' bean-ball!
- Charlie Brown: No, I can't do that... It wouldn't be right.
- Lucy Van Pelt: It wouldn't be right?
- [to Frieda]
- Lucy Van Pelt: Listen to who's gone moral on us all of a sudden! Ol' Wishy-Washy here is too moral to throw a bean-ball!
- Frieda: What about the way the early settlers treated the Indians? Was that moral? How about the Children's Crusade? Was that moral?
- Patty: Yeah, and how about those awful movie ads you see nowadays?
- Frieda: Do you call those moral, Charlie Brown?
- Schroeder: Do you think that incident at Harper's Ferry was consistent with morality?
- Patty: Define "morality"!
- Frieda: Our whole system of freeways is a perfect example of what I'm trying to say!
- Violet: Have you listened to radio lately?
- Pig Pen: How about this whole conservation situation?
- Charlie Brown: We never win any ball games, but we sure have some interesting discussions.
- [Lucy shuts the TV off after Charlie Brown lost the spelling bee]
- Lucy Van Pelt: [angrily] Owning 10% of Charlie Brown is like owning 10% of nothing!
- [turns the TV on again]
- Lucy Van Pelt: Charlie Brown, you - you make me mad!
- [shuts the TV off again]
- Linus Van Pelt: Charlie Brown got hit by a line drive!
- Patty: Does anyone here know anything about first aid?
- Lucy Van Pelt: It's probably not serious. Second or third aid will do.
- Lucy Van Pelt: [Walks into Linus's bedroom and raises the shade] Wake up Linus. It's time to go to school.
- Linus Van Pelt: Again?
- Lucy Van Pelt: What do you mean 'again'?
- Linus Van Pelt: [Snuggles back into bed] I went yesterday.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Mom's already made your lunch.
- [Sets it on his bed and walks out]
- Linus Van Pelt: [Sits up in bed, sighs] Guess I might as well go to school. I can't waste a good lunch.
- Linus Van Pelt: Here, run over to the drinking fountain and soak this handkerchief in cold water.
- [Lucy skeptically examines the handkerchief]
- Lucy Van Pelt: You're kidding. With a head like Charlie Brown's, you'll need a bedsheet.
- Charlie Brown: I'm dying! And all I hear are insults!
- Charlie Brown: I've never gone through anything like that in my life. I never knew I could be so stupid. I never knew I had so many faults. I never felt so completely miserable.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Wait until you get my bill.
- Lucy Van Pelt: You must learn how to smile, Charlie Brown. Smile!
- [Charlie Brown smiles; Snoopy smiles more broadly; Lucy compares the two]
- Lucy Van Pelt: You've got a smile like a sick pumpkin.
- Lucy Van Pelt: These slides show your tendency toward fatness.
- [Next slide]
- Lucy Van Pelt: Look at that stomach!
- [Next slide]
- Lucy Van Pelt: Even your nose is fat, and your legs. Why, I bet if the truth were known, even your toes are fat.
- Lucy Van Pelt: A manager of my caliber is the answer, Charlie Brown. In fact, I'm not sure if 15% is enough. My valuable presence is easily worth 20%.
- Charlie Brown: Good grief.
- Charlie Brown: Unconfident. U-N-C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T. Unconfident.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Of course. That's a word he's well acquainted with.
- Lucy Van Pelt: I put all of your faults on slides. We're going to project your faults onto a screen.
- Charlie Brown: Good grief. Project my faults onto a screen?
- Lucy Van Pelt: Do piano players make a lot of money, Schroeder?
- Schroeder: Some do. If they practice very hard, I guess.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Keep practicing, kiddo!
- [she kisses him on the nose]
- Lucy Van Pelt: Do you have to drag that stupid blanket to school every day? How would you feel if people came up to you and said, "Your little brother drags a blanket with him wherever he goes"?
- Linus Van Pelt: This blanket is a necessity. It keeps me from cracking up. It could be regarded as a spiritual tourniquet. Without this blanket, I'm nothing. A ship without a rudder.
- Lucy Van Pelt: Oh, good grief.