Peter Falk credited as playing...
Sgt. Rossi
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: [enterting brothel with loaves] Everybody should eat more bread. Feeds the heart. And remember, the heart's the second-most important organ in the human body.
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: Listen, battles are lost because people get excited. There's only one way to calm the situation down - go to bed with a woman. Afterwards you'll be able to concentrate.
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: [leading singing]
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: Hey, you're waking everybody up! Go back to your outfit!
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: [singing subsides] Excuse me?
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: You're waking everybody up, go back to your outfit.
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: We have no outfit. We've withdrawn. We don't believe in fighting.
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: Well who believes in fighting?
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: We believe in God. That frightens you, doesn't it? All you believe in is fornication, and killing.
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: What?
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: We're conscientious objectors!
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: You mean, you conscientiously object to fornicating?
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: [leads singing again, loudly]
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: [taps Lt. Bix on shoulder as singing continues] Hey! Didn't you tell 'em? They're supposed to excuse you from combat.
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: They said that our sect was too small!
- Sfc. Rossie Baker: Your what was too small?
- Lt. Billy Byron Bix: Sect! S-E-C-T!