The US cavalry troopers have pants with belt loops. The government issued uniform pants of the Civil War were held up by suspenders, not by belts.
When Lee Surrendered on April 9, 1866, the camera shows a newspaper that reports that the war is over. But Lee had merely surrendered the Army Of Northern Virginia. Johnston was still operating in North Carolina and would not surrender his army for another 17 days at Bennett Place. Richard Taylor and Nathaniel Forest did not surrender their armies in Alabama until early May. Fighting continued in Texas through May 12 (a Confederate victory at the Battle of Palmetto Ranch). The last army in Texas surrendered May 26 when Kirby Smith surrendered his command (most of his army had already deserted). The last Confederate land force (composed of Native American troops) was surrendered by Stand Watie on June 23 in the Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma). Finally, the war at sea lasted until August when the CSS Shenandoah escaped to Liverpool, England, where Lt. Commander James Waddell furled her colors for the final time. So, NO newspaper on April 9 would have stated that the war ended. There were still several Confederate forces and the Confederate Navy at large.
When Jacob and Adam are in jail fully expecting Davey to bust them out, Davey leaves them behind, and the bars of the jail cell move when Jacob shakes them.
Quantrill's Raiders, a gang of Civil War guerrillas, are using Colt Peacemaker pistols, a weapon that wasn't invented until after the Civil War had ended.
Some Confederates are carrying the 1873 Winchester, a rifle that post dates the Civil War by 8 years.
The US cavalry troopers are armed with the 1873 trapdoor Springfield carbine, a weapon that post dates the Civil War by 8 years.
When the raiders are riding in to attack the town at the start of the film there are several shots showing large mountains in the background despite the fact that this is supposedly the very flat state of Kansas.