- McKay: Backshootin'! Bushwhackin'! That's all the young ones know these days. They got no pride! They got no honor! It just ain't no fun anymore.
- McKay: You got a privy out back?
- Flagg: What do you mean "out back"? The name of this town is Progress - we got one right here in the house.
- McKay: In the house?
- Flagg: Yeah, it's right there under the staircase.
- McKay: [McKay jiggles the handcuffs; Flagg unlocks them and follows as McKay walks to the staircase] You gonna hold my hand?
- McKay: [McKay walks into the bathroom and looks around. He pulls the chain on the toilet, which flushes] Well, I'll be damned.
- Boyle: I never figured on this much fuss.
- Mayor Wilker: Well, Howard, fuss is publicity. Publicity is votes. Remember that.
- Flagg: Gonna need about 20 men. Volunteers for a posse.
- Boyle: Posse?
- Mayor Wilker: Did you say posse, Jim Boy?
- Mayor Wilker: Listen, Jim Boy, could you stop at the Emporium and...
- Flagg: You buy your own damn perfume!
- Carmel: If my husband knew, why...
- Mayor Wilker: Never fear. Your husband is aware only of engines, valves, gasoline.
- Carmel: It's true, I'm afraid.
- Mayor Wilker: Yes. Every weekend he's out and about in his automobile, while you, in the bloom of your youth and beauty, are left alone, unattended, like an unplucked rose!
- Carmel: Yes.
- Mayor Wilker: Wasting away.
- Carmel: Yes.
- Mayor Wilker: A victim of internal combustion.
- Carmel: Yes!
- McKay: So that's it, ain't it? After all those years, they give you a gold watch and a pat on the back and a kick in the ass, didn't they?
- McKay: They're gone. They're all gone. Smiley was hung, over Tulsa way a few years back. Jessup was killed by the Pinkertons on the Union Pacific. Blanchard was shot in a stud game over in Tombstone. Doc Samuels put a bullet in his own head. They're all gone.
- Mayor Wilker: [talking about the plan to stop the train] Why don't you take McKay here with you?
- Flagg: He's one of 'em!
- Mary: No he isn't... not any more... are you, Mr. McKay?
- McKay: No, ma'am... not after they shot Grundy...
- Flagg: Billy, someday you'll learn that people don't always agree on what's good and what's bad. Now, about those ladies, they were just practicing the oldest profession on earth.
- Mayor Wilker: Don't think I don't appreciate your gesture, my flower, but I don't need anyone to blow my trumpet for me.
- Carmel: You're not gonna desert me, are you? Not after last night.
- Mayor Wilker: My dear, sweet Carmel, you know, nothing on Earth could provide me with more pleasure than spending the entire day with you. Lolling idly, partaking of your bountiful fruits.
- McKay: There's only one plan and it's as plain as the nose on your face. You can't stop the train from comin' to town 'cause they got the telegraph covered. What you gotta do is stop the train from *stoppin* in town.