Richard stabs his mate with a huge knife, which emerges covered in blood almost to the hilt. 30 seconds later Richard is holding the knife with no blood on it then 1 minute after that, the knife has just a little blood on it.
After Gary Scott (played by real-life British pop-singer Mark Wynter) realizes that he's drunk, friends bring him to a nearby bed and lift his feet onto the mattress. He's wearing white socks and black loafers. However, when Gary awakes and heads to a party, he's wearing tan desert boots, though the rest of his outfit is the same.
When the police are rushing to the old house, they turn onto the road twice, once from each direction. The same identifying sign is to the left of the turn in both shots.
A tape recorder is playing music. Just as someone dies, the tape runs out and the reel continues to spin. Heard is an organ arpeggio repeated that would not play once the tape had ended.
At the house party, the character of Henry is already sitting with Sheila, Richard and Chris inside when he arrives again at the door with Gary.
After the first murder at the haunted house, the murderer should be covered with blood when he reconvenes with the rest of the people in the house.