After being severely beaten and subsequently hospitalized by a rival biker gang, "Mother" (Michael Greene) returns to his gang known as the Angels and quickly re-assumes his leadership position again. As a result his former girlfriend, "Marlene" (Jennifer Gan) also returns to him after riding with the former leader who goes by the name of "Fingers" (Richard Rust). Immediately upon reassuming command his first priority is to get even with the rival biker gang and so the Angels take to the road and head to Las Vegas where this gang was last seen. However, when they get there they find that the rival gang has gone into the desert and so they decide to spend the night in Las Vegas prior to riding out the next morning. Unfortunately, once they begin their trek into the desert they discover that it isn't as easy as they initially thought and begin to have some trouble along the way. This eventually leads to a severe disagreement which is exasperated by Mother's dictatorial manner. Although still determined to get revenge upon the rival biker gang, the Angels evict Mother and proceed without him. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie I will just say that it had some good things going for it and some bad things as well. For starters, I thought it incorporated certain realistic details that motorcyclists typically encounter but which aren't normally shown on television (i.e. flat tires and gasoline issues). I also enjoyed the electric guitar music played as the motorcyclists traveled from one place to another. On the other hand, there were some scenes which defied reality along with other scenes which seemed a bit too artistic. In any case, I didn't think that this was a bad biker movie overall and I have rated it accordingly. Average.