Christopher Lee credited as playing...
Judge Jeffries
- Lord George Jeffreys: You are all condemned, for crimes against king and kingdom, to hang... to dangle until you are but dead, to be then cut down still alive, to have your entrails drawn out and thrust into your own mouths, to be further hanged, then quartered like the carcasses of beef you are. You number five hundred, but even if you were five thousand, the execution of this sentence would be just before God Almighty... and may He have mercy upon your souls.
- Lord George Jeffreys: Sometimes I ask myself whether the right to life or death was ever given to mere men, or if God Almighty did not Himself deliver unto me the responsibilities for that which we are doing. Yet when I am confronted again with the unholiness, the rebellion, the crimes and the sacrilege, I am reassured that we were not unjust in dealing the most atrocious punishment to these criminals.