Mario Romagnoli credited as playing...
- Trimalcione: Enough of this nonsense, Hermeros. Have some patience. The boy's young and his blood is hot. When you were a young cock, you crowed, too.
- Trimalcione: You female pile of shit! I bought you at the slave market. I turned you into a human being!
- Fortunata: What are you talking about? You bought *me*?
- Trimalcione: Habinnas, take her statue out of my mausoleum. Otherwise, we'll still be at each other when we're dead. You battle-axe!
- Trimalcione: I built her a palace, but listen to her! She's puffed-up like a frog! But, I'll make you bite your tongue!
- Trimalcione: Remember, you owe all this luxurious living to me! I endured my master's advances for 14 years. What's wrong with that? The master gives the orders! I entertained the mistress, too. By the will of the gods I ended up sharing the Emperor's inheritance. I built five ships and filled them with lard, perfume and slaves. That started my fortune: everything I touched turned to gold. I was a cockroach, now I'm a king. That's life.