Robert Ryan credited as playing...
- Deke Thornton: Tell me, Mr. Harrigan, how does it feel? Getting paid for it? Getting paid to sit back and hire your killings... with the law's arms around you? How does it feel to be so goddamn right?
- Harrigan: Good.
- Deke Thornton: You dirty son of a bitch!
- [last lines]
- Sykes: I didn't expect to find you here.
- Deke Thornton: Why not? I sent them back. That's all I said I'd do.
- Sykes: They didn't get very far.
- Deke Thornton: I figured.
- Sykes: What are your plans, now?
- Deke Thornton: Drift around down here. Try to stay out of jail.
- Sykes: Well, me and the boys got some work to do. You want to come with us? It ain't like it used to be, but it'll do.
- Deke Thornton: [addressing his posse] You think Pike and old Sykes haven't been watchin' us. They know what this is all about - and what do I have? Nothin' but you egg-suckin', chicken stealing gutter trash with not even sixty rounds between you. We're after men - and I wish to God I was with them. The next time you make a mistake, I'm going to ride off and let you die.
- Coffer: [aiming at Tector Gorch] I can nail him!
- Deke Thornton: I said wait!
- T.C.: [flustered] What if they slip out the back?
- Coffer: [annoyed] It's covered, ya two-bit, redneck peckerwood!
- Coffer: Mr Thornton; you, ah, rode with Pike, what kinda man we up against?
- Deke Thornton: [thinking back] The best. He never got caught.
- Harrigan: And who the hell is Mapache?
- Deke Thornton: A killer for Huerta who calls himself a general. He's been fighting Villa, and losing.
- Deke Thornton: [upset] Harrigan! Next time, you better plan your massacre more carefully or I'll start with you!
- Coffer: From here on, it's Mexico, Mr. Thornton.
- Deke Thornton: What's the closest town of any size?
- Coffer: Agua Verde.
- Deke Thornton: What's in Agua Verde?
- Coffer: Mexicans, what else?
- Pike Bishop: What the hell's the matter with you? We got plenty of money to spend and not a worry in the world. They're not gonna look for us in their own back yard.
- Deke Thornton: How can you be so damn sure?
- Pike Bishop: Being sure is my business. Being sure is my business.
- Deke Thornton: Jess, you ride out tomorrow, if you can stay on your horse. Watch the buzzards. They'll show you where he is.
- Jess: What if he ain't dead, Mr. Thornton?
- Deke Thornton: That's your problem.
- Harrigan: You stupid damned fools. Why did you shoot this employee and let the others get away?
- T.C.: I didn't! My first shot killed this man right here!
- Coffer: Liar! He shot that employee while I dropped this bandit and them others too. I must've killed all three of them.
- T.C.: What were we doing up on that roof?
- Coffer: Liar! Liar! Black Liar!
- T.C.: Don't talk like that to me.
- Coffer: I'm sorry. Come on T. C. , help me get his boots.
- T.C.: I think this will do pretty good.
- Deke Thornton: Harrigan! Next time, plan a massacre more carefully, or I'll start with you.
- Harrigan: Why didn't you kill Pike when you had the chance?