Michele Carey credited as playing...
Anna Hot Water
- Dingus Billy Magee: Now we go to Mexico.
- Anna Hot Water: Mexico?
- Dingus Billy Magee: When you steal money, that's where you go. It's the Code of the West. Get my pants, let's go.
- Anna Hot Water: You got a damn pretty face. We make bim-bam! Me in Hot Water.
- Dingus Billy Magee: Oh, I can feel that.
- Anna Hot Water: Now we finish bim-bam?
- Dingus Billy Magee: No, later. Now, you go around back and come in here.
- Anna Hot Water: What we do now? Make bim-bam?
- Dingus Billy Magee: Bim now.
- [kiss]
- Dingus Billy Magee: Bam later.
- Dingus Billy Magee: Did you find out where she keeps the money?
- Anna Hot Water: In room.
- Dingus Billy Magee: Is she in the room?
- Anna Hot Water: Asleep.
- Dingus Billy Magee: Suppose she catches me?
- Anna Hot Water: Tell her *must* make bim-bam. Women like hear that.
- Herkimer 'Hoke' Birdsill: You ought to fix that skunk *real* good. If there was only some way to keep him busy all night long.
- Anna Hot Water: Two Moons keep him plenty damn busy.