Paul Petersen credited as playing...
Moondoggie Griffith
- Gidget Lawrence: Did you get my letters?
- Moondoggie Griffith: You bet your Crêpes Suzettes, I got 'em. They were so racy, I let my subscription to Playboy expire.
- Moondoggie Griffith: These Greenlanders are the friendliest people in the world. Why, they share everything, including wives, daughters.
- Alex MacLaughlin: Where did you two meet?
- Katrina Lund: At the Air Force Base in Greenland.
- Moondoggie Griffith: Katrina and some other girls flew up to entertain us troops.
- Katrina Lund: Those poor boys. So hungry!
- Gidget Lawrence: Hungry?
- Katrina Lund: Ya, for entertainment.
- Moondoggie Griffith: Maybe you haven't noticed, Professor, but it's not like it's me and Gidget on a desert island someplace. I mean, the world is full of people - and more than half of them are girls.