Jim Brown credited as playing...
Tommy Marcott
- Christine Adams: Tommy, sometimes I envy you.
- Tommy Marcott: Why?
- Christine Adams: You don't always have to be doing something. With me, it's sort of a disease. I guess it's because no matter what I'm doing, and how much fun I'm having, somewhere way back in my head I'm thinking somebody somewhere else is having more fun than I am. It's awful, isn't it?
- Tommy Marcott: I know the reason you go out with all those guys. Its so that you won't get involved with any of them. Right? That way, you won't get hurt.
- Christine Adams: I'm not like that. Yes, I am. Oh, I don't know.
- Christine Adams: Why spoil the whole thing by getting married? Why don't we just live together?
- Tommy Marcott: Christine, I've been that route. I'm not lookin' for a chick to shack up with. I don't want a pad, I want a home.
- Christine Adams: There's something wrong with me!
- Tommy Marcott: There's nothing wrong with you. The only thing that's wrong with you is that you underrate yourself. You can make it! I'll help you make it, baby. I'll help you make it. Everything's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright.