Katharine Balfour credited as playing...
Mrs. Barrett
- Oliver Barrett III: What is it your people are in, Jennifer?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: My father bakes cookies.
- Oliver Barrett III: Oh, what's the name of his firm?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Phil's Bake Shop.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Of Cranston, Rhode lsland.
- Oliver Barrett III: How interesting.
- Mrs. Barrett: So your people are from Cranston, Jenny?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Well, mostly. Actually mother came from Fall River.
- Oliver Barrett III: The Barretts have mills in Fall River.
- Oliver Barrett IV: And where they exploited the New England poor for generations.
- Oliver Barrett III: In the 19th century.
- Mrs. Barrett: When you inherit, Oliver, you can give all our money back as reparations.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Well, that's exactly what the philosopher Saint-Simon advocated.
- Oliver Barrett III: In the 18th century.