- [first lines]
- Oliver Barrett IV: What can you say about a twenty-five-year-old girl who died? That she was beautiful and brilliant? That she loved Mozart and Bach, the Beatles, and me?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: You look stupid and rich.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Well, what if I'm smart and poor?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: *I'm* smart and poor.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Well what makes you so smart?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I wouldn't go out for coffee with you that's what.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Well what if I wasn't even gonna ask you to go out for coffee with me?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Well that's what makes you stupid.
- Phil Cavaleri: Amen.
- Boy: It hasn't started yet.
- Phil Cavaleri: How am I supposed to know? I've never been to a do-it-yourself wedding before.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Jenny... I'm sorry.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Don't. Love means never having to say you're sorry.
- Oliver Barrett III: If you marry her now, I'll not give you the time of day.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Father, you don't know the time of day!
- [walks away]
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Please, Phil, about the church bit.
- Phil Cavaleri: What?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Well, we're kind of negative on it.
- Phil Cavaleri: I didn't necessarily mean the Catholic Church.
- [to Oliver]
- Phil Cavaleri: You know that Jennifer is Catholic? She may have told you that. And her sainted mother always dreamed of... the whole mass rigmarole, but you're... But God would bless this union in any church.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Phil?
- Phil Cavaleri: Yeah?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: About the God bit.
- Phil Cavaleri: Yeah?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: We're sort of negative about that, too.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: You're gonna flunk out if you just sit there watching me study.
- Oliver Barrett IV: I'm not watching you study. I'm studying.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Bullshit. You're looking at my legs.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Listen, Cavalieri, you're not that great looking.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I know. But can I help it if you think so?
- [last lines]
- Oliver Barrett III: Oliver, why didn't you tell me? I made a couple of calls and as soon as I found out I jumped right in the car. Oliver, I want to help.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Jenny's dead.
- Oliver Barrett III: I'm sorry...
- Oliver Barrett IV: [cuts him off] Love- love means never having to say you're sorry!
- [walks away]
- Oliver Barrett IV: Oh, how can you do it?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: What?
- Oliver Barrett IV: How can you see me and still love me?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: That's what it's about, preppy.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Screw Paris!
- Oliver Barrett IV: [surprised] What?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Screw Paris and music and all that stuff, you thought you stole for me ! I don't care, don't you believe that?
- Oliver Barrett IV: [crying, shakes his head no]
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Then get the hell out of here, I don't want you at my goddamn deathbed!
- [crying]
- Oliver Barrett IV: [first cries, then begins to smile] I believe you. I really do.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: [calm] That's better.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: You're a preppy millionaire and I'm a social zero.
- Oliver Barrett IV: What does that have to do with going our separate ways? We're together now, aren't we? We're happy.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Look, Harvard is like this Santa Claus bag stuffed full of all kinds of crazy toys, but when the holiday is over...
- Oliver Barrett IV: This has been a little bit more than a holiday.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: They come home, shake you out, and you gotta go back where you belong.
- Oliver Barrett IV: You're going back to Cranston, Rhode Island and bake cookies?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Pastries. And don't make fun of my father!
- Oliver Barrett IV: Then, don't leave me, Jenny! Please.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I never thought there was another world better than this one. I mean, what could be better than - Mozart? Or Bach? Or you?
- Oliver Barrett IV: Jenny? I'm up there with Bach and Mozart?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Uh-huh. And The Beatles.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Listen, preppy, I know you've got at least a few brains.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Really?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Yeah, you're hung up on me, aren't you?
- Oliver Barrett IV: Hey, if you're so convinced I'm a loser, why did you bulldoze me into buying you coffee?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I like your body.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: So, now I've seen a hockey game.
- Oliver Barrett IV: What'd you like best?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: When you were on your ass.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: You want to marry me?
- Oliver Barrett IV: Yeah.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Why?
- Oliver Barrett IV: Because.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: That's a good reason.
- Oliver Barrett III: What is it your people are in, Jennifer?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: My father bakes cookies.
- Oliver Barrett III: Oh, what's the name of his firm?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Phil's Bake Shop.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Of Cranston, Rhode lsland.
- Oliver Barrett III: How interesting.
- Mrs. Barrett: So your people are from Cranston, Jenny?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Well, mostly. Actually mother came from Fall River.
- Oliver Barrett III: The Barretts have mills in Fall River.
- Oliver Barrett IV: And where they exploited the New England poor for generations.
- Oliver Barrett III: In the 19th century.
- Mrs. Barrett: When you inherit, Oliver, you can give all our money back as reparations.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Well, that's exactly what the philosopher Saint-Simon advocated.
- Oliver Barrett III: In the 18th century.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: One of the college chaplains just sort of...
- Phil Cavaleri: Oh!
- Jennifer Cavalieri: No, I mean, he sort of presides over it and then the man and the woman address each other.
- Phil Cavaleri: You mean the bride speaks, too?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: It's a new world, Philip.
- Phil Cavaleri: Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's - it's - it's new, all right.
- Oliver Barrett IV: You look lovely, Jenny.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Bullshit.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Okay. Okay, you look terrible.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: No, I do not look terrible. I never look terrible. I look okay for Thursday evening, okay?
- Oliver Barrett IV: There's no poetry in "okay".
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Screw poetry, Oliver. Just tell me what you see.
- Oliver Barrett IV: I see you.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: That's poetry.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Would you stop blaming yourself, you goddamn stupid preppy. It's nobody's fault. It's not your fault.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Come on, Jenny, I'm trying to concentrate.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: On what?
- Oliver Barrett IV: On how I'll total that Dartmouth bastard. Come on, Harvard, let's go!
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Are you a dirty player? Would you ever total me?
- Oliver Barrett IV: I've got an hour exam tomorrow, damn it!
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Please watch your profanity, preppy.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Music 201, that's a graduate course.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Renaissance polyphony.
- Oliver Barrett IV: What's polyphony?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Nothing *sexual*, preppy.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: [referring to Oliver's father] He went all that way up to Ithaca to watch you play hockey?
- Oliver Barrett IV: After - we blew the title and after - I was nearly massacred by the wild, Canadian hordes, do you know what the big banker, Harvard man said to his son?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Whores in lthaca?
- Oliver Barrett IV: "You know, Oliver, the Dean of the Law School was a classmate of mine."
- Jennifer Cavalieri: What did you expect him to say? "How's your sex life?"
- Oliver Barrett IV: You've been checking up on me, haven't you?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I don't dine outdoors with just anybody.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Am I just anybody?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: What do you think, preppy?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: You're driving like a maniac!
- Oliver Barrett IV: This is Boston. Everybody drives like a maniac.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: You're gonna kill us before your parents can murder us.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Cavalieri, I've got nothing against music; but, must you play it while we study?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I'm studying the music, preppy. It's called "Analysis of Form",
- Oliver Barrett IV: I fail to see how marrying a beautiful and brilliant Radcliffe girl constitutes rebellion. I mean, she's not some crazy hippie.
- Oliver Barrett III: She's not many things.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I don't want Paris, I don't need Paris. I just want you.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Well, that you got, baby.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: And I want time, which you can't give me.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: "When our two souls stand up erect and strong, Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher, Until the lengthening wings break into fire at either curved point, What bitter wrong can the earth do to us that we should not long be here contented? Think, In mounting higher, the angels would press on us, And aspire to drop some golden orb of perfect song, lnto our deep, dear silence, Let us stay rather on earth, Beloved, Where the unfit contrarious moods of men recoil away, And isolate pure spirits, And permit a place to stand and love in for a day, With darkness and the death-hour rounding it."
- Oliver Barrett IV: You were under the mistaken impression that I wanted to make love to you.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Was I?
- Oliver Barrett IV: Look, Cavalieri, I know your game, and I'm tired of playing it. You are the supreme Radcliffe smart-ass. The best! You put down anything in pants. But verbal volleyball is not my idea of a relationship. And if that's what you think it's all about, why don't you go back to your music wonks, and good luck. See, I think you're scared. You put up a big glass wall to keep from getting hurt, but it also keeps you from getting touched. It's a risk, isn't it, Jenny? At least I had the guts to admit what I felt. Someday you're gonna have to come up with the courage to admit you care.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: I care.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Welcome to the world, preppy.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Listen, Cavalieri...
- Jennifer Cavalieri: The name's Barrett, Barrett.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Sometimes you are really a bitch.
- Oliver Barrett IV: Can't I take my goddamn wife out to dinner if I want to?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Okay, Barrett, who is she? What's her name?
- Oliver Barrett IV: What?
- Jennifer Cavalieri: If you have to take your wife out to dinner in the middle of the week, you must be screwing somebody.
- Hank - Oliver's Roommate: Hey, hey, Barrett got a new goodie?
- Ray - Oliver's Roommate: Jenny Cavilleri. It's a music type from Rhode lsland somewhere.
- Hank - Oliver's Roommate: Yeah, I know the one. A real tight-ass.
- Ray - Oliver's Roommate: [speaking with a lisp] Yeah, plays piano for the Bach Society.
- Steve - Oliver's Roommate: What does she play with Barrett?
- Ray - Oliver's Roommate: Probably hard to get.
- Jennifer Cavalieri: Get up, you lazy preppie, would you please, and get out and support me in the manner to which I plan to become accustomed.