Billie Hayes credited as playing...
- Witchiepoo: [facing abject defeat] What is it about you rotten good guys? You always win! Drat! Drat! DRAAAAAAAAAT!
- Orson Vulture: [as Witchiepoo frets] Please, Witchiepoo, calm down!
- Witchiepoo: 'Calm down', he says! The commander-in-chief of all witchdom is bringing our convention here, and she wants to see my flute, and I don't have my flute, and he says CAAAAAAALM DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!
- Witchiepoo: The end? That's what THEY think. I'll get them yet! Oh, go home and have a nightmare.
- [cackles]
- Witchiepoo: Wait a minute! You talk funny. I don't remember you. Who are you?
- Jimmy: [disguised as a witch] Get your hands off me, old poop! I happen to be a foreign delegate from the British territory
- Witchiepoo: What's your name?
- Jimmy: Uh, the name is Witch Beatle!
- Witchiepoo: I'm warning you sickies for the last time. Scram or I'll zap you all into centipedes with bad feet.
- [disguised as a flower, Witchiepoo shoos away a pollinating bee and a nectar-seeking bird]
- Witchiepoo: I've heard about the birds and the bees, but this is ridiculous!
- [coyly into the camera]
- Witchiepoo: A flower just isn't safe around here.