Don Pedro Colley credited as playing...
- SRT: How shall the new environment be programmed? It all happened so slowly that most men failed to realize that anything had happened at all.
- SRT: Well, maybe you are right. Maybe there's something wrong with the computer. I don't know, it's a strange life. Cybernetics, genetics, lasers and all those things. I guess I'll never understand any of that stuff. Guess maybe holograms are not supposed to.
- SRT: [Meeting THX and SEN] Hello. Uh, where'd you guys come from?
- [THX and SEN don't speak]
- SRT: Oh well, it doesn't make any difference, I guess.
- [SRT notices SEN's food]
- SRT: Uh, is that food? I'm starving. Do you mind?
- THX 1138: How did you get here?
- SRT: I was lost.
- THX 1138: You're not lost now?
- SRT: [Eating with his mouth full] Uh-uh.
- SEN 5241: You know the way out?
- SRT: [Chewing] Um-hmm.
- [swallows]
- SRT: That's the way out.
- [He points in the direction from which THX and SEN have just come]
- SEN 5241: Well, that's the way we just came.
- SRT: Yeah, but maybe you were traveling around in circles, see, 'cause that's the way out.
- [SRT points behind them again]
- THX 1138: How do you know?
- SRT: [Pointing] Well, look. Look more closely. You see? Come on.
- [SRT walks in the direction he was pointing and the other two follow]
- SEN 5241: Oh, yeah.
- [laughs]
- [THX is looking at a screen that says LUH has been "consumed" and her name has been reassigned to a bottled fetus]
- SRT: Well, either this thing has gone nuts, or that's your roommate.
- Hologram: Where did you get that car?
- SRT: I was just issued it! I took it out and drove straight through a crowd at the dispersal center.
- [laughter]
- [characters on hologram program]
- Hologram: Oh, that's terrible. Terrible!
- SRT: No, it's wonderful. Because my hand, it was paralyzed anyway!
- [laughter]
- SRT: I don't know. All that stuff, cybernetics, genetics, I don't understand it. I guess holograms aren't meant to.