The Devils (1971) Poster


Dudley Sutton: Baron De Laubardemont



  • Baron De Laubardemont : I also have a maxim, father: give me three lines of a man's handwriting and I will hang him.

  • Baron De Laubardemont : A nun is reported to be having commerce with your Isacaaron in the form of a three-legged dog.

  • Baron De Laubardemont : [tossing Grandier's charred bone on the floor in front of Sister Jeanne]  I almost forgot - souvenir!

  • [to Grandier] 

    Baron De Laubardemont : Hell will hold no surprises for you.

  • Baron De Laubardemont : There are 6,000 Christian souls waiting for you in the marketplace. Tell me, do you love the Church?

    Grandier : Not today.

    Baron De Laubardemont : Do you want to see it grow more powerful, more benevolent, until it embraces every human soul on this earth? Then help us to achieve this great purpose. Go to the marketplace a penitent man. Confess, and by confessing, proclaim to those thousands that you have returned to the Church's arms. By going to the stake unrepentant, you do God a disservice, you give hope to unebelievers. Such an act can mine the very foundations of the Church. You are no longer important. Think: are you any longer important?

    Grandier : I was never important.

    Baron De Laubardemont : Then make a last supreme gesture to the Catholic faith.

  • Baron De Laubardemont : Good morning! Did you sleep well?

    Grandier : With all this noise?

    Baron De Laubardemont : There are thousands of them out there. Where do you expect them to get all the beds from? Besides, they're all too excited.

    Grandier : About what?

    Baron De Laubardemont : Oh...

    [pretends to have forgotten for a moment] 

    Baron De Laubardemont : Your execution.

    Grandier : I have not been tried yet.

    Baron De Laubardemont : All right, have it your own way. Your trial then.

    [immediately after, a soldier smashes a statue] 

  • Baron De Laubardemont : I have a saying, too: "Give me three lines of a man's handwriting and I will hang him".

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