The Hunting Party (1971)
Oliver Reed: Frank Calder
Frank Calder : You ain't too bad. For a schoolteacher.
Melissa Ruger : If you think you're going to get a lot of money for me, you're wrong. They'll be coming after us, you know. A lot of men.
Frank Calder : Why? They short of teachers back there?
Melissa Ruger : I am not a teacher. I am Brandt Ruger's wife. I am! I am Brandt Rugers wife!
Frank Calder : It don't matter whose wife you are. There ain't nothin' he can do about it.
Melissa Ruger : Why do you want to learn to read?
Frank Calder : 'Cause I can't.
Melissa Ruger : You don't even know the alphabet?
Frank Calder : [laughing] No.
Melissa Ruger : Why do you want to learn how to read?
Frank Calder : Because I can't. Brian Carruthers
Frank Calder : A and B and that's a C.