I must have missed this one at the movies in the early 1970's. Saw it on late night movie channel in 2009. I think this movie is more entertaining now that it would have been back then. Now that I am lots older and have experienced a lot since then, the impact is larger. the movie plot and scenes are very indicative of society at the time. In many ways, society has not changed. The old story of women bored and confused with life. Reminiscent of the old saying "I am trying to find myself". Women's Liberation causing social and psychological problems within the marriage. Women NOT being empowered and how to get the power with junk psychologist and in control of men. How to make the man weak and into a robot like person. Husbands, go to work, make lots of money, bring it home for the woman to spend and tell you what when to do. Husbands, recycle same thing everyday. Here, the husband is thought of as being "sick" for wanting to naturally look at naked or scantly clothed women. So, what? The controlling women and controlled men characters in this movie are pathetic. The women remind me of all of my ex-wives. See this movie and you will see a mirror of our society even more so like to today. Arousing the emotions of the viewer gives this movie high marks.