Sandra, the Making of a Woman was clearly a very cheap production and as such there isn't too much that is all that impressive on the surface; but considering other efforts in this genre; this is actually a rather good example of a sexploitation film. It's a sort of coming of age drama, except rather than learning how function in the adult world; the title character in this film really just finds a lot of different people to have sex with. The plot and script are incredibly simple and director Gary Graver seems happy to just let things flow; which is fine by me. Despite being simple, the film is interesting for the duration and Sandra meets a variety of people. The film is not exactly hardcore - there isn't any full frontal nudity or extended sex sequences, but it is erotic nonetheless and the film makes very good use of the talents of the very pretty Monica Gayle who fits into the lead role very well indeed. The film looks very cheap, although this does give it a gritty edge of realism and the locations used are all very believable. Sandra, The Making of a Woman is not a life-affirming drama (or anything like), but it's a decent way to spend seventy five minutes and I can't see too many soft porn fans being disappointed with it.