Denver Pyle credited as playing...
Junior Frisbee
- [examining the corpse of Bill, Junior Frisbee's former partner]
- Colonel Morgan: Well, I'd say he looks healthier than the last time I saw him.
- Junior Frisbee: How can he look healthier when he's dead?
- Colonel Morgan: It must agree with him.
- Junior Frisbee: [angry that his partner Bill is dead, and Col. Morgan will do nothing about it] We was talking about protection.
- Colonel Morgan: [musing] Yeah, well... how many people would you say he's killed, in his miserable life?
- Junior Frisbee: [defensive] Well... none that didn't deserve it.
- Colonel Morgan: How many have you killed, Junior?
- Junior Frisbee: None that didn't deserve it. Me and Bill was very particular about that. We never killed church-folks, neither... course, there was a Baptist got in the way once, but very seldom!