Bill Macy credited as playing...
Walter Findlay
- Maude Findlay: When he says wife, he means possession.
- Walter Findlay: So what, Maude? You told me a hundred times you want to be possessed.
- Maude Findlay: Walter Findlay, I never said that standing up and you know it.
- Maude Findlay: Walter, if you don't want my daughter and my only grandchild living here with us just tell me.
- Walter Findlay: And...?
- Maude Findlay: And I'll rip your heart out.
- Walter Findlay: [after giving Walter an uncooked chicken after an argument] That chicken is frozen.
- Maude Findlay: You think that's frozen, wait and see what you get in bed tonight.
- Walter Findlay: People communicate only when they are being themselves. One does not get through to someone by being something other than what one is.
- Maude Findlay: That's a lovely speech, Walter, very lovely. Remind me when we have time, to record it on tape so I can accidentally erase it.
- Walter Findlay: [arguing with Maude because she agrees the housekeeper should keep her maiden name after she's married] Well, if you feel that way, why didn't you keep your maiden name when we got married?
- Maude Findlay: Because by the time we got married I couldn't remember it!
- Maude Findlay: [Holding up her high school cheerleading sweater, which has an "M" on the front] I can remember when the "M" covered my whole chest.
- Walter Findlay: Now, you have enough room to spell out "MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY".
- Walter Findlay: I finally got him to stop.
- Maude Findlay: Gently, I hope.
- Walter Findlay: Of course. I told him to shut the hell up.