- Doctor: Steve, I want you to tell me exactly what you think of Billy.
- Lally 1: I hate him. He stinks, he's a pest. My parents give him everything he wants because they think he's so goddamn cute. He and his security pillow. He's the favorite all the time. If I touch him just once, wham! I get it. I wish he was dead. I'd cut him up, dig a hole, put the pieces in, let the worms eat him up and I'd never have to see him again. Then I'd stop banging my head against the wall!
- Doctor: That makes sense.
- Cotton: I'm almost sixteen; try gooping that over. In one year, I'll be seventeen. You know what I'm gonna do on my seventeenth birthday?
- Cotton's Mother: [turns away from him back to her vanity table mirror] I'm listening.
- Cotton: Join the Marines. You can, you know, if your parents sign the papers. Dad will.
- Cotton's Mother: [making up her face] And I won't, of course.
- Cotton: And you *will*, of course! Because if you don't, you know what I';m gonna do? I'm gonna make a big sign and march up and down in front of the Bay Yacht Club.
- [she freezes]
- Cotton: "My mother's over forty-two years old," it'll say.
- Cotton's Mother: [she stares at him in the mirror, then slowly and viciously:] I'll kill you.
- [Cotton pretends to fire a rifle at her]
- Floyd Crebbs: [Trailer]
- [he supposedly represents the "American Gun Cult Association"]
- Floyd Crebbs: Just because we like to shoot a few buffalo now and then...
- Bill Mumy: Wouldn't slaughter be a better word?