- Actionfreunde
- German
- B-Movies.ru [ChesteR]
- Russian
- Blu-ray.com [Martin Liebman]
- Chuck Norris Ate My Baby [Matt House]
- Cleveland Press [Tony Mastroianni]
- Comeuppance Reviews [Ty and Brett]
- derekwinnert.com [Derek Winnert]
- DiscLand
- DoBlu.com Blu-ray [Matt Paprocki]
- DVD Drive-In [George R. Reis]
- DVD Talk [Ian Jane]
- Eccentric Cinema
- Every 70s Movie [Peter Hanson]
- Fluxkompensator [Christoph Müller]
- German
- Geisterhaltung
- German
- Horrorscreams Videovault (Peter 'Witchfinder' Hopkins)
- marcfusion.com
- Mondo Bizarro [Alec Pridgen]
- MovieMavericks.com [JR]
- Nasty Video Ghoul
- New York Times [A.H. Weiler]
- Rock! Shock! Pop! [Ian Jane]
- Rotten Tomatoes - Reviews from the Nation's Top Critics
- Shameless Self Expression [Ryan McDonald]
- Shock Cinema [Steven Puchalski]
- Steve Aldous (Steve Aldous)
- The Action Elite - Blu-ray [David J. Moore]
- The Video Vacuum [Mitch Lovell]
- The Village Voice [Stuart Byron]
- Through the Shattered Lens [Jedadiah Leland]
- TV Guide
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