Billy Dee Williams credited as playing...
Gale Sayers
- Gale Sayers: [accepting the George S. Halas award] I'd like to say a few words about a guy I know, a friend of mine. His name is Brian Piccolo. And he has the heart of a giant, and that rare form of courage which allows him to kid himself and his opponent: cancer. He has a mental attitude which makes me proud to have a friend who spells out 'courage' - 24 hours a day, every day of his life. Now, you flatter me - by giving me this award. But I say to you here now - Brian Piccolo is the man of courage who should receive the George S. Halas award. It is mine tonight - and Brian Piccolo's tomorrow. I love Brian Piccolo. And I'd like all of you to love him too. And tonight, hit your knees, please ask God to love him.
- Brian Piccolo: Hey, Black Magic, listen to this letter I got. "You must have been raised with pigs to stay in the same room with one of those darkies. You must not have been taught *anything* when you were a boy. You must have crawled out from under some slimy rock."
- Gale Sayers: Is that all?
- Brian Piccolo: Except the usual, "Love, Mother."
- Brian Piccolo: Did you get a chance to talk to Linda today?
- Gale Sayers: No, why?
- Brian Piccolo: Well, I thought you might have heard. Joy's expecting again.
- Gale Sayers: Hey, THAT'S GREAT!
- Brian Piccolo: Yeah, we think so. You know, if it's a boy, we'd kind of like to name it after you!
- Gale Sayers: NO KIDDING?
- Brian Piccolo: Yeah! It's got a real nice ring to it... SPADE PICCOLO!
- Brian Piccolo: Gale, they tell me you gave me a pint of blood. Is that true?
- Gale Sayers: Yep.
- Brian Piccolo: That explains it then.
- Gale Sayers: Explains what?
- Brian Piccolo: I've had this cravin' for chitlins all day.
- Gale Sayers: Sorry, I didn't remember. I'm not very good at that stuff.
- Brian Piccolo: Oh, golly. Hey, that's alright. I could see how you might forget, but, I sure couldn't. I mean, that was a heck of a talk we had, man. I said, "I'm Brian Piccolo. I - I hear we'll both be playin' for the Bears." And you said, well, I'll never forget it, you said, "Uh-huh." Just like that, "Uh-huh." Whenever I'm feelin' kinda low and depressed, well, well I think about that advice. You know, a lot of guys wounldn't have talked to me at all; but, not you. You just said, "Uh-huh." Just like that. Right out.
- Gale Sayers: Uh-huh.
- Brian Piccolo: Sayers, I did say thank you.
- Gale Sayers: I know.
- Brian Piccolo: Well, that usually calls for a response, like "you're welcome" or "how's your mother?" Somethin'.
- Gale Sayers: [puzzled] How's your mother?
- Brian Piccolo: Well, She's very fine. Thank you for askin'.
- Gale Sayers: You're welcome.
- Brian Piccolo: A trap play is when all the linemen go one way and, hopefully, the defense goes the same way and if they do, see, it's a big hole and if they don't, well, it's bad news. Anyway, Concannon calls this trap play, and it's beautiful - forty-three yards, wasn't it 43? Ah. So, Halas sees he's tired, and sends me in, so I go in and he comes out. Concannon then figures he's gonna get really foxy - you know, Concannon is - Then, he says, "Same play. Very - same - play." A trap play is also called, a sucker play; because, it makes the defense look *real* bad when it works. Now, defenses *do not* like to look real bad, see, it makes 'em kinda surly. So, anyway, all the linemen go this way, and it's like I am lookin' at a team portrait of the Los Angeles Rams. "Hey, Deacon! Merlin! How's the family, Rosey?" I was afraid to get up - I figured not everything was gonna come with me.
- Joy Piccolo: You have never seen anyone so black and blue in your life!
- Gale Sayers: It's like, I'm roomin' with a colored player again.
- Linda Sayers: [in disbelief] Gale told a joke.
- Brian Piccolo: The stone face from Kansas speaks.
- Coach George Halas: [in the Bears locker room] Let me have your attention fellas. Come on over here. Gale has something he wants to say to you. Gale.
- Gale Sayers: You all know that - we hand out a game ball to - the - outstanding player. Well, I'd like to change that. We just got word that - that Brian Piccolo is - that he's sick, very sick. And it looks like - he might never play football - again - or - for a long time. And - I think we should dedicate ourselves - to - give our maximum effort - to win this game - and give the game ball - to Pic.
- Ed McCaskey: This is 1965 and we'd like the Bears to room together according to position, without any regard to race. So, we'd like you and Brian Piccolo to room together.
- Gale Sayers: That's all? That's what this is about?
- J.C. Caroline: Is that all?
- Gale Sayers: Yeah - I - you had me worried. I thought it was something really...
- J.C. Caroline: Say, this is something really. Man, you're talkin' about a white man and a black man roomin' together on team that's never been done before. And you're gonna be called a "Tom" by some blacks and "uppity nigger" by some whites. And when we go on the road, man, I'm talkin' about we goin' to Atlanta, Houston, Miami, New Orleans. It ain't gonna be no better in Detroit or Minnesota or San Francisco or any other town we play in. You gonna rock the boat, Sayers. And there's people out there already that's seasick.
- Brian Piccolo: See, Sayers, that's why you will never make it. See, pizza has magical properties that give Italian guys a lot of strength, a lot of speed, you understand?
- Gale Sayers: [sarcastically] Oh, yeah, a lot of great Italian running backs!
- Brian Piccolo: Fantastic. Could you believe it? Sayers, I mean you've got some moves on the field; but, in the locker room, you are one big klutz. Now, listen to me, listen now.
- [holds up a newspaper with the headline, "Colts Dump Bears 24-21"]
- Brian Piccolo: When you dedicate a game to someone, you are then supposed to go out and win it, idiot. You know, Pat O'Brien never said, "Let's blow one for the Gipper."
- Gale Sayers: Man, you is so bad.
- Coach George Halas: All I can promise you is a fair shot. Because you're gonna have a lot of company. Jon Arnett. Ralph Kurt. Brian Piccolo. There's gonna be plenty - there's gonna be plenty crowded out there.
- Gale Sayers: Well, a fair shot is all I want. I can't ask for more than that.
- Brian Piccolo: I think I - I owe you a beer.
- Gale Sayers: I think - I owe you - a lot more than that.
- Abe Gibron: Sayers, you ought to tell your Italian buddy to load up on the pasta.
- Gale Sayers: Maybe he just wants to be quicker, Gibron.
- Abe Gibron: Ten pounds lighter, a half a second slower in the forty yard sprint. It ain't workin'.
- Brian Piccolo: Can't make it? Nigger. Chicken nigger.
- Gale Sayers: Oh, man, don't make me laugh. Please!
- Brian Piccolo: [on the phone] I heard what you did at that banquet last night. You know, if you were here, I'd kiss you.
- Gale Sayers: Glad I'm not there, then.
- Brian Piccolo: I think it's working.
- Gale Sayers: What is?
- Brian Piccolo: I'm getting you overconfident.
- Brian Piccolo: Hey, Gale, when you - when you run, do you think about what you're doin' or you just do it?
- Gale Sayers: I just do it!
- Brian Piccolo: Yeah, well, start thinkin' about it, will ya? I wanna play some too.