Robert Culp credited as playing...
Robert Jones
- Dr. Frank Enari: Now, who cooks?
- Dr. Robert Jones: In the interests of mercy, you cook.
- Dr. Frank Enari: I, I cook. And who cleans?
- Dr. Robert Jones: Aw, that's always the guy who cooks.
- Val Adams: Say, we're on an open channel; you want all this?
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's Voice on the Radio] Where'd you find him?
- Val Adams: In the electronics room. It looks like a heart attack to me. He must have assumed he was locked in, he wasn't, he had his keys, the door was open. But he'd open the storm window, God knows he knew better than that. I was supposed to strang it out. Let that snow on a coal in. I guess he must have got hit when he tries to close it.
- Dr. Frank Enari: Coffee?
- Dr. Robert Jones: Yeah, thanks.
- Val Adams: He's just sitting there, frozen at the tape recorder and holding out of the microphone. You ran off about 300 feet of a tape, I might tell you what he was thinking at the time. Look, I got about 15 minutes to get out of here starting to come in pretty good.
- Dr. Robert Jones: [Offering the coffee at the table for Robert] Thanks.
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's voice on the radio] Let me talk to Enari.
- [That's for Enari]
- Dr. Frank Enari: Enari.
- Ryan Horner: How are the monkeys?
- Dr. Frank Enari: Oh, uh, I haven't check them. They're all right, I guess, but there's no sign of starvation and dehydration, they're just called. You got a lucky break when the generator stayed on. There's a 1,000 watts of light in here and that provided some of the heat.
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's voice on the radio] What about Geronimo?
- Dr. Frank Enari: He's just coming out of this drunk.
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's voice on the radio] I'd like that tape recorder.
- Dr. Robert Jones: No. We need the recorder.
- Dr. Frank Enari: We need the recorder, we transcribe all our work.
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's voice on the radio] Can you remote the tape? Send it out with Val.
- Dr. Robert Jones: Not if he wants to hear what's on it. It was 20 below in there, it'll shatter.
- Dr. Frank Enari: It was 20 below, the tape will shattered.
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's voice on the radio] Do it right then, okay? Let me know what a thought. Val?
- Val Adams: Yo.
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's voice on the radio] Give them what orientation you can and get out of there.
- Val Adams: Summit out.
- Ryan Horner: [Horner's voice on the radio] Base out.