Vera Tschechowa credited as playing...
Cast: Clara
- Clara: Doronin! Prisoner Doronin!
- Clara: [she stumbles and Doronin grabs her and lifts her up as she cries out] How dare you?
- Ruska Doronin: You have to watch your step here, Assistant Engineer.
- Ruska Doronin: You have a nerve! Major Sijikin warned me about prisoners like you.
- Ruska Doronin: I've already got 25 years. Call Major Sijikin. I'll tell you what to say: 'Please tell me if socialist justice will change after Stalin's death". And the answer: "In principle, yes. Execution of the accused before the verdict's given will not be allowed". You just say THAT to Sijikin. Go ahead.
- Clara: How old are you?
- Ruska Doronin: Twenty-three.
- Clara: And you've got 25 years, what for?
- Ruska Doronin: Nothing.
- Clara: For nothing, you get five years. So you must have done something.