Sam Elliott credited as playing...
Pickett Smith
- Jason Crockett: Karen... and everyone else... this conversation has ended!
- Pickett Smith: No, it hasn't, Mr. Crockett. Look, with Grover and Kenneth dead, I don't know what's going on around here... or if it is happening anywhere else... but we are a bunch of damn fools not to face the fact that we are in a hell of a lot of trouble! And we're gonna have to get together to fight it!
- Bella Garrington: Keep talking Mr. Pickett, 'cause you are the only man around here who's saying anything!
- Pickett Smith: First of all, we're gonna have to try to find Iris, Stuart and Michael. But to be very honest with you... I don't think we will. Not alive anyway. But whether we find them or not, we've got to get off this damn island! All of us, now! We'll take the power boat. If we have to, we'll tow the canoe.
- Jason Crockett: And leave this house empty and deserted... on the Fourth of July?
- Pickett Smith: I don't really think there's gonna be anybody around here to worry about today. Maybe if you didn't notice, but there hasn't been one boat out on that lake all day!
- Clint Crockett: Do you think this is happening everywhere, Mr. Smith?
- Pickett Smith: Well if it is, I think we'd stand a better chance if we all get out of here together.
- Jason Crockett: Well, I forbid it! I control these people, not you!
- Bella Garrington: Nobody controls me, Mr. Crockett! Now I'm asking for your permission to get off this island, by myself or with anyone else, I just want to go!
- Pickett Smith: [Looking at Kenneth, dead on the ground in the greenhouse] Is there a place where we can put him?
- Charles: Yes sir, I'll show you.
- Jason Crockett: I still believe man is master of the world.
- Pickett Smith: Does that mean he can't live in harmony with the rest of it?
- Pickett Smith: You see that? As soon as I went after them, they scattered.
- Jason Crockett: And very intelligently too. The frogs are thinking now, the snails are planning strategy, they have brains as good as ours -- is that your point?