Samantha Jones credited as playing...
- Vic: That's nice. That's very nice. Is that nice or not?
- Susan: Yes, it's very nice. It's nice.
- Vic: It's nice. That's what I said. Donald, Donald the show's over here, Donald.
- [takes Donald had and places it on Susan's breast]
- Vic: Know what I like about this, Donald? L and S. Never forget that. It lifts - and it separates, Donald. It lifts and separates. Huh?
- Donald Beeman: Is this all we'll be doing? Her just trying on bras?
- Vic: These are brassieres, Donald. Don't forget it.
- Donald Beeman: Oh, yeah. Brassieres.
- Vic: Yeah, you'll learn. Don't worry. I just gotta get a clearer picture of the situation. Now, keep your hand there. That's right.
- Donald Beeman: I don't know exactly how to ask you this, but, how long have you been a cheap broad?
- Susan: Well, it's an off-and-on thing.