- Yasha: Nira's exhibition seems to be a great success.
- Eitan: Yes, fantastic, especially with statues she used to make for laughs.
- Yasha: Yes, the secret is to get someone to pay you to laugh.
- Eitan: Well how come she isn't laughing anymore?
- Yasha: She's frightened.
- Eitan: Frightened for what?
- Yasha: For you, for her, for both of you.
- Eitan: Well, if she's like that now, Yasha, what's she going to be like in the future?
- Yasha: Future? Do me a favour, Eitan, what future?
- Eitan: I've got my contract with the club.
- Yasha: Peanuts! You've had a fortune in your feet for years and who gets it - the club and the punters.
- Eitan: Well, I'm happy.
- Yasha: And Nira? The statues she used to make for laughs, they're making her rich. And what about the game you play for laughs, is that making you rich?
- Eitan: Ah, come on, Yasha, I'm an amateur.
- Yasha: LIke, Nira - become a professional. Lose the match.
- Eitan: Lose the match?
- Yasha: What are the odds against you losing? I'll tell you: four to one.
- Eitan: Oh, don't start getting clever with me, Yasha
- Yasha: Start getting clever with yourself, boy. We can make a fortune, you and me. Anyone taking bets against you losing, can find a thousand takers.
- Eitan: Lose for my club?
- Yasha: You've spent your life winning for your club, and what have they given you? Nothing but promises. So now the club loses and you, Eitan, become a first-time winner.
- Eitan: I'll see you around, Yasha.
- Yasha: You like Nira's new car? Well, that's taking her right out of your life, boy. Out - for good. But if you had that car
- [he indicates a convertible]
- Yasha: you could go with her. Only you'd be in the driving seat. It's yours as a down payment. And I'll find you a job. Think about, Eitan.
- Eitan: I've thought about it, Yasha.
- Yasha: It's funny; she's going up just as you're coming down.
- Eitan: Look, Yasha, I won't lose the match. I won't lose, Nira. In fact, I won't lose anything I want to keep.
- Yasha: Keep? Keep? Don't make me laugh. You can't keep yourself in chewing gum, let along Nira in the style to which she's going. I mean, face it, Eitan, you can't afford her. She's gone. Like everything else in your life, you've left it too late.