Clint Eastwood credited as playing...
- Judge: Do you know it's against the law to hunt on Reservation land?
- Joe Kidd: Well the deer didn't know where he was, and I wasn't sure either.
- Joe Kidd: [With Lamar pointing a gun at him] Lamar, I gotta dollar here says I can break your neck 'for you get that rig moved a half inch.
- [last lines]
- Mitchell: Well, that settles that. Anything I can do for you, Joe?
- Joe Kidd: [punches him in the nose]
- Mitchell: Joe, you shouldn't 'o done that.
- Joe Kidd: Next time I'll knock your damn head off.
- [Joe is putting the moves on Elma]
- Elma: How long have they had you locked up?
- Joe Kidd: Two days.
- Elma: What would you be like after two months?
- Joe Kidd: We wouldn't even be talking now.
- Joe Kidd: Walk a straight line through a cow pasture you gotta step in some cow pies, but you get where you're goin'.