- [In anger, a television was just thrown out a hotel window]
- Bill Garrett: That's hotel property, and I'm just sittin' here waiting for the house dicks to come.
- Leonard: [pretentiously, with sort of a faux-cool] But you're the one that's gotta have to pay.
- Bill Garrett: Who the hell is he?
- Jim Kane: Boy, if anybody cheats me, I'm gonna hit him with a Stillson wrench and shove him in a coal hopper
- Bill Garrett: [chokes on his scotch-on-the-rocks] Well, if you're gonna talk like that...
- [shuffles away]
- Jim Kane: Hmm?
- Bill Garrett: [nervously; shuffling away a bit more] Well, if, ah, if you're gonna talk like that, I'm, I'm-a just gonna move down the line.
- Leonard: If we get our heads together down here, Jim, we could make a lot of money. We could eat it with a knife and a fork.