Unless of course you want to see something like this. "Return Of Clint The Stranger" tries to combine these two sub-genres in one movie. Instead it actually combines problems that have plagued both genres and in the end what we get is a half-baked unpolished film mixed with the already over-used "American dream" type story.
"Return Of Clint The Stranger" is a story about a man named Clint whom after avenging the death of his brother and sister-in-law is forced to leave his family and go into hiding. He returns 5 five years later to them in the hopes that he can once again be accepted. Of course no story is complete without the villains and here we have them in the form of a greedy banker who is trying to drive Clint's family off their own lands.
I can almost guess what director Alfonso Balcázar was trying to do. He wanted to deviate from the established persona of the Italian western. He was trying to give this movie a bigger sense of depth, by adding more developed characters. The problem is, they are not particularly interesting in fact they are annoying clichés of the same characters you might see on any of the pre-Leone era American western. Clint himself is a very uncharismatic protagonist. We see that through his actions when he is trying to protect his family. At one point he tries bribing several of the henchman hired by the banker, but instead he gets hit in the head and they steal his money. He also unknowingly helps in causing the death of one his son's friends. And while some of these faults could have helped creating a more complex, filled with guilt character Balcázar fails to tap on them. Instead he continues to present the story in a monotonous way, Clint shows no visible regret of his actions and remains in the same passive mood. The entire story is mash of ideas that lack a proper realization. Klaus Kinsky's character for example could have been more strongly implemented into the plot instead of just throwing him this shallow role of a bounty hunter. The story's conclusion wasn't particularly memorable, the showdown between Clint and the banker's men wasn't all to great lacking the ingenuity of the better Italian westerns.
This movie can't brag about production values either. It's cheap, sleazy and while that could be forgiven in most westerns of the genre simply because they aim to entertain, here it helps to booster every other weak point in the film. This tried to be something more than pure entertainment. Tried and failed. I will pass on commenting on the acting simply because the version I watched was dubbed in Bulgarian. The music is a total lackluster, it lacks the punch of some of Morricone's earlier work and there is no doubt he did the score only for the money.
"Return Of Clint The Stranger" is not a good movie. It tries to add something new and fresh to the genre but it fails. It fails so much that it becomes hardly watchable on any standard.