- Beth: Apples come in chocolate brown, mmmm-mmm, they're wonderful. Apples come in taffy gold, mmm-mmm, they're scrumptious! Listen to me, all you folks, hear me when I say: apple bar, apple bar, sends me all the way!
- Paul Worden: Beth, baby, you have got to make me believe you eat this junk, now you just gotta!
- audition girl: Apples come in taffy gold, mmm-mmm, they're scrump-tu-ous! Scrump... they're... they... mmmm, they... mmmmm.
- Paul Worden: Thank you, erm, thank you very much, my dear. We're looking for a singer.
- Irene: Apples come in chocolate brown, mmm-mm, they're wonderful. Apples come in taffy gold, mmm-mm, they're scrumptious!
- Paul Worden: Er, honey, you're giving out a little too much rock sound. Make it sweet. Remember, this is the girl next door with freckles.
- Irene: [an African-American] Freckles?
- Marjorie Worden: Can you believe that I believe that the devil's in my house?
- Harry Lincoln: Yes. If you believe there's a devil, you believe the devil's in your house; then for you it's true.