- Peter: Your imagination is playing tricks on you!
- Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor: You fool. You freed the vampire and my dog lies dead to prove it.
- Chris Bolton: That's a myth! It's a story for old women and children!
- Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor: No telling when she'll find all the sealed-up vampires, and they'll go cavorting around naked, holding Black Mass, sucking up little babies' blood. Nothing evil they won't try or do.
- Chris Bolton: He's got 'em convinced.
- Mary: Why shouldn't they be? It's the truth.
- Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor: I want to tell you something. You let Hannah loose. Just giver her a couple more days to get back her strength. Vampire Island it was... and will be again.
- Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor: [Weaving a rope of dogbane and garlic] I picked the dogbane - it's almost finished - to put around Hannah. It'll keep her in, alright.
- Chris Bolton: We send astronauts to the moon, and weave magic flowers to protect ourselves from vampires. Seems to me we haven't come very far in the last thousand years.
- Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor: You'll feel lots worse if she gets out tonight.
- Peter: I dropped out. I mean I tried every scene in the book and then some. You name it, I did it. I took uppers and downers and inners and outers until I was blown out, spaced out, beat up, shot up. And I tripped. And I ripped. I mean, I shot everything but aspirin. I blew my house down. Thank God for Mary. She came along just in time and dragged this cat out of there.
- Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor: Just make sure that stake is good and sharp, or we're all dead.
- Adnan: Are you really gonna stick this through her heart?
- Abdul Hamid - The Blind Sailor: I'm blind, yet I'm the only one who can see what's happening. Sure, I'm going to kill her. It's the only way to stop her.