I think I was six when I first saw it. I might have been five. It's always been my favorite movie.
All I can remember, and I don't know how many times I've seen it since, is that I cry when I do. I wouldn't have known who George C. Scott was, then, but he certainly adds to the drama.
This is a classic. This is about the United States, about the people of the world. This movie is a classic - eternal.
I don't know that I understood, then, what was truly going on - that scientific discovery, technology - as precious and valuable as it is, was going to be corrupted to carry out an assassination plot.
It's almost eerily reminiscent of 9/11. But we didn't stop 9/11.
Maybe what needs to change is the way we see the world, whether we're 6, or 86. This is a movie for all to see, especially children. This is a movie that will bring us together, and instruct us about the dangers of not only technology, but also the sometimes destructiveness of human nature.