Keenan Wynn credited as playing...
Hank Stahl
- Hank Stahl: [disgustedly] People. Sharks, animals: they kill for a reason: because they're hungry. People kill each other for nothing.
- Hank Stahl: Well, we're all loaded. Where's the dame?
- Dr. Phil Volker: The "dame" is exercising her rights as a lady: She's late.
- Dr. Maggie Hanford: Excuse me, I have to get my hat box.
- Hank Stahl: Hat box?
- Dr. Phil Volker: Hat box?
- Dr. Craig Mosby: Hat box.
- Dr. Maggie Hanford: [opens the hat box to show it contains two guinea pigs] You'll love it. It's absolutely adorable. Itty and Bitty.
- Dr. Craig Mosby: Itty and... Bitty?
- Dr. Maggie Hanford: For oxygen analysis.
- Dr. Craig Mosby: Oh.
- Hank Stahl: [as Volker ascends the ladder to meet Maggie] *Now*... if I could find me a mermaid built just like *that*...! For once that guy and I agree on what would make a really tasty dish.
- Hank Stahl: [as Mosby slams down a scuba tank in anger] *Well*...! Looks like something topless is going on topside. Hey, hey, hey! Take it easy! You'll blow a gasket!
- Hank Stahl: I couldn't care less. I got it made down here. I got my research, my books, my music. Why should I leave all this for a bunch of idiots who're going to blow themselves up?
- Hank Stahl: Let me tell ya: That's not an ocean out there! That's a veritable minestrone!
- Dr. Orin Hillyard: What?
- Hank Stahl: You've never seen such food! Enough to feed a *billion* fish! Look at that!
- Dr. Orin Hillyard: What is it?
- Hank Stahl: It's food! It's food!
- Dr. Maggie Hanford: Doug, I'm adding negative ions to our atmosphere. Make you feel a little better first time down.
- Hank Stahl: Mmm! Take a whiff of this. I feel better already.
- Hank Stahl: I'm on this ride for Dr. Hamaru, not for him.
- Dr. Doug Standish: You can at least listen to him, can't you?
- Hank Stahl: Anything that he's in on, I'm on the outside of.
- Dr. Maggie Hanford: The guinea pigs. What about the guinea pigs?
- Hank Stahl: Guinea pigs? Women and men first. We'll need every cubic inch of air we've got.
- Hank Stahl: [as Hanford stares him down] There's a spare mattress down in the lab.
- Hank Stahl: I couldn't care less, doctor, let 'em all go.
- Dr. Doug Standish: You don't mean that.
- Hank Stahl: Well, maybe there are a few human beings up there: Dr. Hamaru, Gus Boren, Dimitri, my crazy, Russian, chess-playing friend...