- Robert Drummond: Now, Brenda. Stop playing hard to get!
- Brenda: I am hard to get... but it's worth the effort.
- Irma Eckman: You always did have the morals of an alley cat, Penelope.
- Penelope: Just because I like men?
- Irma Eckman: No, dear. You like anything. Just as long as it isn't yours.
- Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond: I know I promised to stay out this evening but you didn't need to shoot at me.
- Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond: 'Tis rather comical isn't it?
- Carl Petersen: What is?
- Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond: I mean the whole thing. The girls, the castle, Fu Manchu over there. Even you I suppose.
- Carl Petersen: My dears, Mr. Drummond is trying to provoke me.
- Penelope: He can provoke me... anytime.
- Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond: Doesn't it worry you that I might whip out a gun and blow your block off?
- Carl Petersen: Oh no. In the first place there's too much you want to know. In the second, you don't have a gun. There's a metal detector just inside the front door which would have sounded an alarm if you'd been armed. And anyway, our sort don't carry guns!
- Hugh 'Bulldog' Drummond: Hello, Mr Drummond. I thought you'd never get here.
- Carl Petersen: I would have been here sooner, but I stayed in London for your cremation.
- Carl Petersen: Then I'll return the compliment. I'll make a point of going to yours.