Franco Nero credited as playing...
- [last lines]
- Maj. Jackson: [preparing to kill Django] Django, I think you should make a last request! I'll be glad to oblige you any way I can. Start praying if you like, I don't mind. It's a smart thing to do when you know that death is coming for you. How come you haven't you got your burial suit with you? We'll have to leave you to the vultures! So now, begin your prayer...
- [shoots a side of Mercedes Zaro's cross]
- Maj. Jackson: I can't hear ya!
- [reloads and fires]
- Maj. Jackson: Okay... now!
- [reloads and fires twice]
- Django: Can you hear THIS?
- [shoots Major Jackson and his gang]
- Django: [to a gang] A woman shouldn't be treated in that way.
- Klan Member: What's that you said?
- Django: It's not important. And if I bothered you, would you accept my apology?
- [shoots all five]
- Django: [pulls a blanket from Maria's bed] I'm taking a blanket.
- Maria: Thank you.
- Django: For what?
- Maria: All that you've done for me.
- Django: [starts to leave] I didn't do it for you.
- Maria: Thank you, even if it wasn't for me.
- Django: I don't know... if I should have save you.
- Maria: It's not for me to say. But for the first time, I felt like I was a real woman. Someone to protect, and... and to be loved, Django.
- Django: [drops the blanket and closes the door] I'm glad I made you feel like a real woman - very glad. I mean that.
- Django: Tell Jackson I'll be waiting at the cemetary. Understand? There's just the two of us now. I'll be waiting.