Fred Dietz credited as playing...
- Reiting: Your guardian angel Törless will have his fun with you too.
- Thomas Törless: No, Reiting, I won't.
- Reiting: Just like that?
- Thomas Törless: Yeah, just like that. I was looking for something before.
- Reiting: Second sight, eh?
- Thomas Törless: Yes. And now all I see is brutality.
- Reiting: You should see Basini eat dirt. You'd get a real kick out of it.
- Thomas Törless: I'm not interested.
- Reiting: But you used to be.
- Thomas Törless: Because Basini's condition was a mystery to me.
- Reiting: And now?
- Thomas Törless: There's no mystery there. Things just happen. Anything's possible. There's not an evil world and a good world. They exist together in the same world.
- Anselm von Basini: Reiting, I was supposed to pay you back today, but could you give me a couple more days?
- Reiting: Sorry. I need the money now. Didn't you receive your allowance?
- Anselm von Basini: Sure, but I've got other debts too. I owe Beineberg and Tschusch from last month.
- Reiting: Go begging to them. I'm not one to wait in line.
- Anselm von Basini: Of course not. You're my friend.
- Reiting: You shouldn't have gambled the money.
- Anselm von Basini: I wanted to double it.
- Reiting: My last word on this subject: Pay me back tomorrow or...
- Anselm von Basini: Or?
- Reiting: Or you'll be subject to my terms.
- Anselm von Basini: What sort of terms?
- Reiting: You give me your allegiance in everything I do.
- Anselm von Basini: If that's all, I'll do it gladly. I'll stick by you.
- Reiting: But not just when you feel like it. You must do whatever I say. Blind obedience, as it were. Well?
- Anselm von Basini: I'll bring you the money tomorrow.