Dame Vanessa Redgrave's Best Actress Oscar nomination for this movie coincided with sister Lynn Redgrave's similar nomination for Georgy Girl (1966). Such a coincidence had occurred only once before when sisters Joan Fontaine and Olivia de Havilland respectively vied for the Best Actress Oscar for Suspicion (1941) and Hold Back the Dawn (1941).
In David Mercer's original television play (televised some four years earlier by the BBC), Morgan is a much older man, his fragile mental state mainly the result of a lifetime of heavy drinking, and a writer rather than an artist. He is also a rather more violent character than the Morgan played by David Warner in this film. Some have said that these changes to the character were what made the film a big box-office hit. It was also said by some that the original Morgan (played on television by Ian Hendry) bore a striking resemblance to David Mercer himself.
The novelist John Fowles called this the major British film of the post-war era. Director Karel Reisz would make the movie version of his novel, "The French Lieutenant's Woman".