The Notorious Daughter of Fanny Hill (1966)
1/2 (out of 4)
Kissey Hill (Stacey Walker) is the daughter of the notorious Fanny Hill and she plans on following her in mother's footsteps as she opens a prostitution house where she tries to cater to the richest of rich men.
THE NOTORIOUS DAUGHTER OF FANNY HILL is a softcore film that I'm sure made a lot of people happy back in the day since it allowed them to see some beautiful women naked and in color no less. With that said, the film holds very little interest today for a number of reasons but the biggest is the fact that the film is deadly dull and its 74-minute running time seems about ten times that length. Even worse is the fact that the movie really doesn't have anything going for it outside of its star.
Looking through her credits on this site, it doesn't seem that Walker stayed in the business for very long. From the range of her films it seems as if she showed up in the big city, worked in films for a year or two and then left. She's certainly the best thing about the picture but sadly she's given nothing to do. Just check out the early sequence where she flirts with a man while the two of them eats. This scene is just so long and so boring and it never comes close to being erotic.
The nudity picks up as the film moves along but by the time it really starts to flow I'm going to guess that most people will have already hit the eject button or at least fast-forwarded through the film. The color does look great as does Walker but that's about all this thing has going for it.