Yul Brynner credited as playing...
- Vin: I wish I knew for sure.
- Chris: Knew what?
- Vin: Whether I'm here because Chico is a friend of mine, or if I'm just on the prod for a fight like Frank. Killing can get inside you.
- Chris: And you think that's happening to you?
- Vin: Why else would I be here? Sure Chico is a friend of mine. But, hell, I don't even know his last name.
- Chris: Neither do I.
- Vin: Don't it make you wonder?
- Chris: No.
- Vin: How the hell come, Chris?
- Chris: Because in all the years I made my way with a gun, I never once shot a man just to see him fall. If that time ever comes, I'll throw my guns in a water bucket and walk away. So will you.
- Chris: [In Spanish to Manuel] Stay here and cover us from the bell tower.
- Vin: Ain't you going to take him with us?
- Chris: He'll cover us from the bell tower.
- Vin: We'll need all the help we can get.
- Chris: Nah he stay's behind.
- Vin: For luck?
- Chris: [Smiles, remembering Harry Luck] For Luck!
- [the six men ride away leaving Manuel. With Elmer Bernstein's triumphant music]
- Frank: [Chris watches in sure coolness over the Devil's Spine fallen Bandit's] If your thinking on going out there we better get at it or the hill's going to get higher to climb.
- Chris: How many men does he have left?
- Frank: I counted thirty. We could circle higher come from behind.
- Chris: One Chance in hell!
- Frank: That's better than none at all.
- Chris: [sighs] Saddle the horses.
- Frank: Already did.
- Lopez: [Chris rides into the Devil's Spine] Buenos Tardes senor.
- Chris: Buenos Tardes.
- Lopez: What can we do for you?
- Chris: [Look's to all the slaves] Friend of mine, holding him prisoner, I want him... and all the others.
- Lopez: Just like that?
- Chris: Just like that!
- Lopez: Your either a very stupid or a very brave man senor. One for me and you, we'd both be dead.
- Chris: That will make two of us. You've got five Winchesters pointed at your head.
- [the Five men aim at Lopez]
- Lopez: Professionals?
- Chris: Professionals.
- Lopez: Perhaps we should have a little talk.
- Chris: We just did!
- Lopez: Father, you better go and get Francisco.
- Chris: Don't move Father.
- Lopez: You'd kill a priest?
- Chris: Only if I have too.