Film's opening credits are not only displayed on screen but also comically sung in Italian to a jaunty Ennio Morricone score, with a memorably droll rhyming of the film title with the director's full name.
Shooting the scenes with the raven was problematic, as it tended to attack protagonist Totò with its beak. Several birds were used.
On 14th February 1988, actress Laura Betti introduced a reconstructed version of the film at the Berlin Film Festival. That version contained a short episode with Totò called "Toto al circo", which was not included in the original release. Although director Pier Paolo Pasolini had spoken about his work on it, this episode had never been shown to the public before.
Flaminia Siciliano's debut.
Italian censorship visa # 46649 delivered on 16 March 1966.