Tom Laughlin credited as playing...
Billy Jack
- Child: Hey. You don't have a watch on. How you gonna know when fifteen minutes are up?
- Billy Jack: Well you better hope that I'm a good guesser, huh?
- Judge: If we allowed citizens to take the law into their own hands, our streets would become jungles--*armed* jungles. I hereby sentence Mr. Jack to one hundred and twenty days in the county jail, or to the payment of a fine of one thousand dollars, plus costs. You can take your choice.
- Billy Jack's lawyer: We'll pay the fine, Your Honor. But we would like a stay of execution for five days so that we can gather up the money.
- Judge: Stay of execution for five days. So ordered.
- Billy Jack's lawyer: [to Billy Jack] Well, that fine about busts ya, doesn't it?
- Billy Jack: Tell me, what did they give the guys on the motorcycles?
- Billy Jack's lawyer: Guilty of assault. Thirty days or $150 fine. Go help someone again sometime.
- Billy Jack: He's got till tomorrow morning. And if my $300 bucks isn't back, or if you guys visit my trailer again, this bike is goin' up in flames.
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: Oh, mother, don't, uh, take *that* bike. You'll be signing your death warrant.
- [Billy Jack drives off in the bike.]
- Bartender: You lookin' for somebody?
- Billy Jack: Yeah: Danny.
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: [laughs] Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy. You're still a wild mother, man, comin' in here like that. You got cool. What can I do for you?
- Billy Jack: I'm lookin' for some motorcyclists. They, uh, ranshacked my trailer and stole my piggy bank.
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: Mm-hmm. What did they look like?
- Billy Jack: I don't know. I wasn't there.
- Billy Jack: So?
- Billy Jack: So, I want it back.
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: Stealin's illegal. Call a cop.
- Billy Jack: That's funny. No, I think I can get it back better my own way.
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: Uh-huh. What're you gonna do when you find 'im?
- Billy Jack: See if he's man enough to keep it.
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: [chuckles] You know, Billy, I admire your guts. So... I'm gonna tell you the truth. It's probably that pre-vert Gangrene that did it. Can't trust him at all. And I don't want *anybody* spoilin' the reputation of this club. So... I'll make a check on that, and get back to you on that subject.
- Billy Jack: Well, you got till tomorrow.
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: Oh! That's tough. Well, uh, what're you gonna do then, take on the whole chapter?
- Billy Jack: No, I'm an Injun, remember? And we're sneaky. We know how to strike silently, in the dark, any night, any time, any place. Uh, maybe you've heard all that before though, huh?
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: Mm-hmm.
- Billy Jack: Be kind of interesting to see how you like being hunted, for a while.
- Billy Jack: I'm gonna count to three, and that lane better be cleared. One...
- Child: He means it, Daniel.
- Billy Jack: Two...
- Daniel 'Danny' Carmody: I'm gonna gut your bowels out.
- Billy Jack: Three.
- [Billy calmly shoots Danny between the eyes.]