Bernard Bresslaw credited as playing...
Ken Biddle
- Ken Biddle: Nurse I dreamt about you last night.
- Nurse Clarke: Did you?
- Ken Biddle: No, you wouldn't let me.
- [Dr. Francis Bigger, while lying in his hospital bed, is talking to Mr. Biddle]
- Francis Bigger: What's your trouble?
- Ken Biddle: Oh, I had my appendix out.
- Francis Bigger: Appendix?
- Francis Bigger: [gesturing to Biddle's bandaged leg] What about your leg?
- Ken Biddle: Oh no. that happened when I fell off the operating table.
- Francis Bigger: Oh.
- [Dr. Bigger chuckles softly and then lies his head back on his pillow as Biddle walks away. Dr. Bigger's head then turns and we see the shocked expression on his face as the sudden realization of what Biddle has said hits home]